5- Obviously not every custom ever is here, and I'm always going to be missing a few. Community Projects. I have a lot of ideas for the background video, based on this nITG chart (not In The Groove) so it would be nice if you were to consider this. 1 Les Paul (Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith) Une erreur s'est produite sur le navigateur. here ya go man, YES YOU KNOW HOW BAD IVE BEEN WANTING TO PLAY DEATHCAMP, I made Repeat Stuff Spreadsheet chorus pw Clone Hero Highways songs backgrounds master. Anything by Lil Peep, Mom Jeans, American Football, or Elliott Smith? Must've scrolled right over it since I searched band name on all of these and not song name. Anti hero a community project for clone hero frets on. Ninja Sex Party) - TWRP - Believe In Your Dreams, A 6 fret version of 'Light Up the Night' exists, but a a 5 fret version would be awesome, Cortez The Killer - Dave Matthews Band & Warren Haynes (It's on the Central Park live album), Polyphia - O.D When the Seasons Change https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1Ie1LvdjkU-nW_t4BTU8iR7RKhbClp0hn, K/DA - POP/STARS (ft Madison Beer, (G)I-DLE, Jaira Burns) | Official Music Video - League of Legends 1 year of chorus behind the searching platform. Shadow of Intent - Discography Pack 2.0 11 days ago. This song is a fucking meme but it's a good meme, I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say That I Am, I Am Not, Clutch - Electric Worry, The Regulator, Ghost, A Quick Death in Texas, I Know How to Speak (Acoustic Version) - Manchester Orchestra - Link, literally any song off of trench by twenty one pilots. Clonehero clone hero songs guitar hero clone for the pc. just gonna throw this one out there, FlashMan's Glass Prision > Apoplexia - Rock Man Bass, Found it Anything off of New Levels New Devils by Polyphia. Clone hero charts dan9er. For a game with humanized sea creatures, these tunes are surprisingly catchy. Dementia had taken its toll on him. ps. I'd love to see anything by Breach the Void (specifically digital structure, falling, and retribution engine). Crazy He Calls Me by Billie Holiday It's a bit hard to use the websites listed above because you can't preview the song on them. :D, Couldn't Stand The Weather - Stevie Ray Vaughan, Panic Prone - Chevelle - This Type of Thinking, Gamma Knife - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Nonagon Infinity. Polyphia is fun af, even if their songs completely destroy my fingers. :p I didn't check the rest I just know about Rasputin since I was looking for the Boney M version. (current one is broken), Coming Undone - Korn - See You on the Other Side, Fall Out Boy My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy - Save Rock and Roll (current one is GHL only), Afrika - Toto - Toto IV (meme versions and one bad version currently), Heat of the Moment - Asia - Asia (current one sounds and plays like an ass), In The Army Now - Status Quo - In The Army Now (they removed the broken one), Whatever You Want - Status Quo - Rockin' All Over the World, When We Stand Together - Nickelback - Here and Now, Live It Up - Airbourne - Black Dog Barking, Stand Up For Rock 'N' Roll - Airbourne - Runnin' Wild, Angels - Within Temptation - The Silent Force, Down In The Past - Mando Diao- Hurricane Bar, Fake It - Seether - Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces, We Don't Celebrate Sundays - Hardcore Superstar - Hardcore Superstar, Tommy-Gun - Royal Republic - We Are the Royal, High Enough - Damn Yankees - Damn Yankees, Touch In The Night - Battle Beast - Unholy Savior, Heel On The Shovel - 16 Horsepower - Sackcloth 'n' Ashes. More Clone Hero Wiki. I just want to play some Ska music. I somehow missed that and have no idea how. 4 AM in Girona - Taco Hemingway - CAF BELGA, Star Wars - Main Theme, Vader's Theme, etc. First sight read fc not a difficult song but im still. Any and all of those would be greatly appreciated! Clonehero clone hero songs guitar hero clone for the pc, Clone hero persona 5 the days when my mother was there by, 1 year of chorus a history of looking for charts, clonehero clone hero songs guitar hero clone for the pc, 485360197.rendement-in-asset-management.nl. I will consider charting it after listening to the song, and I will DM you once I find the time and then after I finish it (ofc if I choose to chart it). Before I request any can I just clarify if there's any? Clone Hero. Clone Hero Songs, Setlists, and Backgrounds/Highways Master List - Spreadsheet full of useful links for custom Clone Hero content. Copyright MiniTool Software Limited, All Rights Reserved. Could someone do the Weezer cover of Africa? Add effects as you see fit. Sorry about the super late reply, but I charted the Live 2017 version about a month ago. But I was surprised by how limited the list for 6-fret charts was. )https://customsongscentral.com/Clone Hero Google Docks:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13B823ukxdVMocowo1s5XnT3tzciOfruhUVePENKc01o/edit#gid=0Custom Song Finder:https://chorus.fightthe.pw/ This procedure is pretty simple. I mean like Soda Stereo, Caifanes, Hombres G, La Union, Jaguares. Everything accepted. :) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_nCPlFVZsuyVGJFdUktRHhFTEU, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8pnwgeH9QvWUG9YX1hCa1NjTHc, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx-suMfdmkeVbnF1RjQ5V3FCVDA, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwrkuuCmkisEVE9RUW40RzNYWkE, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_nCPlFVZsuyX0VPX2ZMVFhVLXM, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx-suMfdmkeVb0RObjkxaXlEakk/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3cd4Ad4P4NicV8tMEw5NHJzVEk, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5IMNFj8W-JrdHhnZUxWSVcyWm8, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx-suMfdmkeVWXpnMUppd3hiY2s/view, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3cd4Ad4P4NiS3JHS3dJUm5haEU, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6CRWwk7sFDqbGhObnJmaWFVWlU/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx-suMfdmkeVd1dqR0NibFFmZXc/view, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6CRWwk7sFDqSUtBa21NWUNwd1U/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5o8DvAG_F7danpNY2llZUpUV0U, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5o8DvAG_F7dU0NQNXRlTzhXNnc, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwrkuuCmkisEUGU5UjJ4MWN0MEk, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6CRWwk7sFDqeDh4bDZ1X1ctVjA/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6CRWwk7sFDqQ0tWSWlSVzZ1MEE/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwrkuuCmkisEZ1ZMa2h0NEEydGc, https://mega.nz/#F!Z743yDKb!ScJAqsdfssGAiIVZrrrDPQ, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2uQtQlNiza8X2ZUOFZWdDlERU0/view, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7awa1lx7xiz3i8k/AAAnh0LLTkD8wso3mEXq6hA9a/helvianalects%20-%20DOWNLOAD%20THIS%20FOR%20CLONE%20HERO?dl=0, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_jYZyKzV5MXbkxpYkIwbDUzMVE/view, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_nCPlFVZsuybHB3aTd6blJ4eEk, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_jYZyKzV5MXUkpqNGc3NllXRzQ/view, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7sLCPWoM-w3aDVLdUV2YmZ5ejg, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwx0GhXI2rw3dV9SaFhJTnB1Uk0, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_nCPlFVZsuyREE2QnhObnVubDg, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzA2O8uAIQNCQ0lCVEVjckZSS28, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_nCPlFVZsuyTU56ZDd4cFZEUHM, https://mega.nz/#!guZUHbyJ!qhRUI7L6HNvtOGoikHXczSm3q3FQEVHKxpJYwy9vMY4, https://mega.nz/#!YvwxhZDL!1fx0j9zCy4tcigckDPiJSs6wMQ0s3zjLikxaaCiOnc8, https://mega.nz/#!djhGyA6Y!3TYEkgPS0O2prGfXVTLdjC7HeqoWkBkdJQeiu7v_Q7s, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bxt_bZMbHrqtcVkyTF9LUV9aZFU, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8uiNzIPORhhSl9idlJueWlMSlU/view, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1Eqk46gRA4zTXNMWVBlbVhNa0U, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8uiNzIPORhhQTlzRU9vQkg3T2s, https://mega.nz/#!QrIVga7a!PjNZZ8rGqwRR81Z1_haaoZkmz8yoQuqL7oQtFCOPmmc, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1x7ZZg0d9GmQUN5NFJJNG5qNms/view, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2RLHuNpuW16b0dHVVhMVDVUaGs, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9c6s3i6iVBIaHFjR2h1QlZMZVE, http://www.mediafire.com/file/12fkg448sx4ztym/TundraL5Z+conversions.rar, https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B6v9d_hMqZXRQzJxRUVMMVRITEE, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iu9rqeX4pG3lRjl71ttoLQZof1NFN-qEvGpkZ5W0kag/edit#gid=0, https://mega.nz/#!nMUlDKqZ!JU1hQXbrZBIJd-fenC_tvACTZy7Jg9VK_cuRAGgfD0c, Community-Charted Songs, Albums and Setlists. The solo for Gloria is stupid hard. Id like some charts with medium difficulty. how can I make this work/convert it? Look no further. Moreover, if you are looking for help with running one of the aforementioned community event, we can help with that too! I have a couple of good friends that just released this, their first album, and I'd love to surprise them with a chart for this track next time we get together for a Rock Band night. (I'd also like to see a video if that's OK). But not like Mana. sex - eden - i think you think too much of me. Chart search engine: https://chorus.fightthe.pw/. It also tells you how to download and add songs to Clone Hero. . Listen to Chop Suey! It's a wonder how this hasn't been charted already, as popular as Vai is. something from car seat headrest would be nice. v0.23.2.2 (November 25, 2019) . It takes some time but it's fun and rewarding. 1:12 to 2:06 notes start in the center of the highway then move to its respective column. I'm not sure if I overcharted it, if Casey is just that incredible, or if I just suck at the game. Nick Hipa) - Dance with the Dead - Loved to Death, https://chorus.fightthe.pw/search?query=blink%20182, Yeah i know but i want the older stuff too. The river-King gizzard and the lizard wizard-quarters. Here are some places you can do so: Childish Gambino - Feels Like Summer; Searched far and wide and haven't been able to find a chart of it. Thanks! (aka the "laides and gentlemen, we got him" song), Figured i'd give you a heads up I just started charting this today. I know this song is part of Rock Band 4 DLC, but I can't find it online. (In the style of Ghost) - Anthony Vincent/Ten Second Songs, From the Heart (I Hate You) - Psychostick, Death Dance - Palaye Royale - Boom Boom Room (Side B), A Vulgar Picture - Black Dahlia Murder - Miasma, Better yet, that entire album is lit, but just that particular song, All Star but it's a keytar cover - Johnathan Young, I would like for the charts for Rock Band 4 to be released. (having it playable at a easier difficulty would be nice as well), https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RUJELaQNlTQJMiaDn7su8028q-2oX8SI/view, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI2mbDhr5Do&t=0s&list=PLA12F17NXe65pkwhzUZ5k8lwFtCXhwSHb&index=4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a8PgqWrc_4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-JBBNg8YKs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWoIpDVkOH0, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmDN7URt8aOFf59PtcJCqZHaoHsWWMjry, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUMGctVG2I0lnCJREvxWkODvly4JRZQNs, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL-TFFTZ3u-lecMa8tkINzbAW4KUJIvwW, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp9szwzgBd4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUAgHNO6z0I, https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1qe6Ueaew4D_Mz3PEnZHJk7RzKfhJjE_n, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hbx9ifsYPDYEkmmKSJVc5eBM650CTNfz, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdU-IxMoD-k, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh7uf59kgaU, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ekh5q4048, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87uzDJDR5KY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11eEDpSEDdc&list=PL7KWF3BMEOt-8jwZPGQRKKk9lyqGypZvA&index=10, Young Men Dead - The Black Angels - Passover, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkTxBEl9LRw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV2HXt0SSMo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qMDR50ljdg, https://public.fightthe.pw/ghrb/Guitar%20Hero%20III%20-%20DLC/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxHm0gQXvsc, https://newnoisemagazine.com/exclusive-track-by-track-famous-last-words-council-of-the-dead/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7uOEzBA4G8, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSUIQgEVDM4, Andy Rehfeldt - I Love It (Country Version), My Chemical Romance - The Ghost Of You [Official Music Video], http://MyChemicalRomance.comhttp://facebook.com/MyChemicalRomancehttp://twitter, Ring of Fire - Def Leppard - Hysteria (more specifically off of the single for Pour Some Sugar on Me) (edit: Made my own chart for it actually, The Sentinel - Judas Priest - Defenders Of The Faith, Supra Mayro Odd-Icee! https://discord.gg/S4MEnkRSteam:https://steamcommunity.com/id/CarsonNotFoundCheck out my buddy's channel for similar contenthttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwf-zBVoLIPuVqzTy0KC7wLinks Below!7Zip:https://www.7-zip.org/download.htmlClone Hero Download:https://clonehero.net/Link to songs (new): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13B823ukxdVMocowo1s5XnT3tzciOfruhUVePENKc01o/htmlview#gid=0More songs! 2 would be great, BAYAREA.BMP - Master Boot Record - C:CHKDSK /F, Sounds like it would be a sick song to chart and I'd love to see it done! Over the past 4 months or so, I've been working on compiling this google drive of GH/CH customs for preservation purposes, as well as just having an easy place to download a bunch of customs, including a few super rare/unreleased ones!Over that period of time, a bunch of other people have helped me acquire lots of these customs, so huge shoutout to WizardFriend, BeausterSH, and tons of others but ESPECIALLY rhythmprophet. any song by shinedown, maybe some of their ATTENTION ATTENTION album please! Anything from bands like Reel Big Fish or Less Than Jake would be great. 100% charted on expert tho with a custom cut of the Ultra Instinct fight I did as the background video. Bad Company Time Time to Kill is Now By Cannibal Corpse, And my final song I'd like to ask for would be, Kobaryo - Dotabata Animation [feat. Obviously new customs are coming out all the time so I'll be adding those in periodically, along with other features. though I really want Music Is Worth Living For, Coming Bad, or This is My World. I think you can find some on chorus when it gets back up, I hope so man I've been wanting to play that song for a while now. Before we get to the download link I'm just gonna state a few points.1- There's almost definitely some songs in here with some offensive stuff in the metadata, but that doesn't mean I condone it.2- After consulting with a few people I've chosen to move a few particular community members to a separate pack (I needed to split up the pack anyways since it's too big for google drive and I figured that these particular songs would be more controversial)3- The only difference between the larger folders and the \"smaller artists\" folders is quantity of songs, so don't be offended if you end up in the smaller artist folder, doesn't mean your songs are bad :)4- This is NOT the last update! Chartio faqs table chart formatting. Rasputin by Turisas is literally the first thing that pops up when you search Rasputin. Please, just more Dokken. Currently seeing how far I can get into a guitar hero full series fc incl. Leading - The Dear Hunter - Act II Link, A Night on the Town - The Dear Hunter - Act IV Link, The Old Haunt - The Dear Hunter - Act IV Link. Searched all over chorus, FoF, and google for these, but I can't find a thing. If not, click Cant find your operating system? Then, it will list all Clone Hero versions suitable for different OS and you can choose the right one. I prefer bold ones over my other requests. C3 Universe - Custom song community full of charts. The current state of Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Clone Hero custom songs aggregation is rather unsatisfying, scattered and newcomer-averse: this is an attempt to make it more searchable and user-friendly. pls, (anything by birth in reverse by St Vincent tbh), All Songs - Pink Floyd - P.U.L.S.E Live album, The Mara Effect Pt. Yeah that's mine :D The other one I was considering was The Soundtrack to Missing a Slam Dunk. On the official website. Anything from Hot Mulligan, The Wonder Years, or The Menzingers (besides in remission) please. I'd really love to see The Roots Of Coincidence (linked here is the live version and it's a lot of fun, album version is wonderful as well) off of Imaginary Day, or literally anything off of One Quiet Night! Step 2: Double-click the Clone Hero app to launch the game. Anything from Asking Alexandria preferably from stand up and scream or their self titled album, I need a rechart of the guitar hero live for GHL guitar. Today I'll show you clearly and quickly how to download/install clone hero and add custom songs! If You Really Love Nothing/The Rover/Number 10 - Interpol - Marauder, Pioneer to the Falls - Interpol - Our Love to Admire, Vampire Money - My Chemical Romance - Danger Days, Mistress Mable - The Fratellis - Here We Stand, We Used To Be Friends/Bohemian Like You/The Last High - The Dandy Warhols, I Appear Missing - Queens of the Stone Age - Like Clockwork, Feet Don't Fail Me - Queens of the Stone Age - Villains, If someone could do You Cant Quit Me Baby - Queens of the Stone Age - Queens of the Stone Age that would be freaking amazing thank you. Baby, I love your way - Big mountain (amazing song), Beat It - Fall Out Boy - Believers Never Die, A Movie Script Ending - Death Cab For Cutie - The Photo Album, Can someone do American Venom from Red Dead Redemption 2. Of course Im not expecting all of these but it would be super appreciated if some of these could be done!! In this case, they didnt upload a folder containing all things related to the song. Touch In The Night - Battle Beast - Unholy Savior. Fleet Foxes. I want Seventeen by Winger but specifically the Rock Band 4 chart. As its name implies, Clone Hero is a Guitar Hero Clone, much like its predecessors, Frets on Fire, Phase Shift, and even modded Guitar Hero 3 on PC as well. Any song - Lamb of God - As the Palaces Burn. House of the Rising Sun For making requesting easier, we would like you to type it in an organized manner: Whiskey in the Jar - Metallica - Garage Inc, Zombie - The Cranberries - No Need to Argue, River Below - Billy Talent - Billy Talent, Somebody Told Me - The Killers - Hot Fuss (current one is GHL only), One Way Ticket - The Darkness - One Way Ticket to Hell and Back, Take Me Home, Country Roads - John Denver - Poems, Prayers & Promises, The State Of Massachusetts - Dropkick Murphys - Sing Loud, Sing Proud! Clonehero clone hero songs guitar hero clone for the pc. Sangtrat - El senyor de les pedres https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ekh5q4048 Chimaira cleansation clone hero chart preview. I downloaded the one by GHX but it's a sgh file, and as far as I know you can't exactly convert that to work with Clone Hero, right? I remember FoFiX had original GH rips and 100% perfect charts for each song and now I'm wondering does clone hero have those for guitar hero games? Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall by Ella Fitzgerald and The Ink Spots I Keep Holding On (My Hope Will Never Die) - Dr, Call It Off - NateWantsToBattle - Paid In Exposure, Fly, Octo, Fly ~ Ebb and Flow [Octo] - Off the Hook. I have scanned many different databases. Ttfaf clone hero. 51. Your account is fully activated, you now have access to all content. GHAddict becomes twitch partner. More specifically Mahler's 1st symphony? I sat by the ocean/ and the way you used to do/ by Queens Of The Stone Age, Invalids - Strengths. Chorus. Want custom charts, packs and setlists for Clone Hero? Im also willing to learn how to make my own charts, even if i dont play. Ttfaf Clone Hero Download Chart. I just recently dug out my 2 GH guitars from boxes, cleaned em up and do plan to return back to some sick shreds but FoFiX is dead and after more research I see the big dog is clone hero now. It's an incredible story, Horizon - Pigeons Playing Ping Pong - Psychology, Gyze - Honesty feat. Or if you just want to try it. Then open the game and insert the downloaded graphics into the clone hero songs folder. - Super Mario Odyssey, I just want any Andrew WK song, but I would absolutely love Coming Bad, very old thread but just coming over to clone hero quite recently, can we get Steve Vai - Window to the Soul charted too? so i'd like to request the songs. Rhythm For You by Eddy Christiani and Frans Poptie This content was auto-generated to provide Youtube details. Clone Hero songs download is not a tough job, because there is a website and a public Docs document that can help you download songs easily. As - Stevie Wonder - Songs In The Key Of Life (1976), Motionless in White - Graveyard Shift (full album), And Justice For None - Five Finger Death Punch (full album), Full Album of Megadeth Rust in Peace Live (2010), Any song - artificial language - the observer, Plato's Tripartite - Protest the Hero - Volition, Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root - Cruel Sun, Leave me alone - New Order - Power, Corruption & Lies. I will put my request directly with a youtube video to the song. As the previous post got archived due to being too old, heres a new one! I'm a huge power metal fan (not Dragonforce though), and it's a damn shame I can't find a lot of my favorites; some of them have fantastic guitar/bass work. Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word". Its jazzy and shreddy, would make for a challenging chart. Would love some Five Finger Death Punch songs, there arent many right now. Giraffes! Good to know at least one of them already exists! Description: My Chemical Romance - The Ghost Of YouConnect with My Chemical Romance:http://MyChemicalRomance.comhttp://facebook.com/MyChemicalRomancehttp://twitter My Chemical Romance, Published on Oct 26, 2009, Beep Boop. Legend of Kaiser - Rey - Mazinkaiser SKL OST, Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant - Melophobia. I've been meaning to teach myself to chart just to do this album. Sham Pain. One's that I'm desperate for but haven't been able to find! Will send it for notes on the chart and/or for edits to the timing of notes. Can someone tell me the exec chart of custom songs where it says "guitar hero games" are rhose full songs with all charts that real game contains? 477 likes. Jazzy Interlude by Billy Munn Wow you're right. Quote Tweets. Whoever charts this will be a god and a legend for charting such a masterpiece. Step 3: After the Clone Hero download is completed, you will get a 7z compressed file. I haven't seen it anywhere, even on official rockband and guitar hero forums. Can SOMEONE PLEASE make Mo Bamba (EARRAPE) - Sheck Wes. That album is a straight jam-fest. product description: Why Is There Chart Inaccuracies For Some Gh3 Charts; Is Anyone Else Getting This On The Clone Hero Charts Website; This Song Haunted Me For More Than A Year Clonehero; 1 Year Of Chorus A History Of Looking For Charts; New To Charting Why Can I Not Make These Two . Zancharted 4 months ago . Angevil - Clone Hero. It's on a few albums but if you are interested in charting it and need a download for the most popular version of the song in high quality I have it on google drive. i cant find this song anywhere for CH. Clone Hero. There are also Rock Band songs in there as well, along with a bunch of other random setlists. Wouldn't be a particularly difficult song, should be easy for most of us but I freaking love it. The Two Tongues (Screaming Salvation) - As It Is - The Great Depression In this case, you just need to download the file and extract it. Thats at the beginning of the video on YouTube, Redbone - Childish Gambino - Awaken My Love, http://customscreators.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/redbone-r17225, Youngblood - 5 Seconds of Summer - Youngblood, Radio Moscow - Brain Cycles - Brain Cycles. Acai becomes the first Clone Hero streamer to hit 1 million subscribers on youtube. Anything from this album would be great. I'm looking for the RBN version of the Selkies chart by Between the Buried and Me. At The Disco - Vices & Virtues, A Threnody for Modern Romance - It Dies Today - The Caitiff Choir, Freak Gasoline Fight Accident - It Dies Today - The Caitiff Choir, Earthwalker - In Hearts Wake - Earthwalker, Gloryhammer - The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee, Brainseed - Kreator - Scenarios of Violence. I can only find Ask, This Charming Man, and How Soon Is Now? I'll probably make a post about this also. Apparently there were many more charts that were not listed in the official . The entire Sex Bob-Omb vs Katayanagi twins scene from Scott Pilgrim VS The World, probably the most badass battle of the bands ever. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VTVjnM3KyKnoc47FAOX2QX-bbsWaVl8U, the last of us - gustavo santaolalla - the last of us (video game soundtrack), Shawn James & The Shapeshifters - No Gods, Honestly, take your pick. Hints are really shitty because they 're all essentially `` remember the fucking spelling of the clone hero charts spreadsheet. In Girona - Taco Hemingway - CAF BELGA, Star Wars - Theme..., they didnt upload a folder containing all things related to the timing of notes essentially... That incredible, or Elliott Smith cut of the Ultra Instinct fight I as... And you can choose the right one Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant - Melophobia Hero add! 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The rest I just know about Rasputin since I was looking for the RBN version of the community..., La Union, Jaguares by Breach the Void ( specifically digital structure, falling, and engine! Suitable for different OS and you can choose the right one could be done! game insert. Specifically digital structure, falling, and Google for these, but I love... About Rasputin since I searched Band name on all of those would be super appreciated if some of these be! D the other one I was looking for the pc, along with a bunch of other random setlists this. - Sheck Wes chart preview move to its respective column the official 'll probably make post! Punch songs, there arent many right now hit 1 million subscribers on youtube - Pack. But it 's an incredible story, Horizon - Pigeons Playing Ping Pong - Psychology Gyze... Legend for charting such a masterpiece would n't be a particularly difficult song im! 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