With everything in place, Joker had his men conquer what was left of Arkham City and patrolled the streets as he took control of the prison's monitor and communication systems to challenge Batman to a final showdown at the Monarch Theatre. This behavior was displayed when he stated to the corpse of an Arkham guard whom he had just choked to death, "the choke's on you", pretending to be electrocuted and dying after attaching himself to a heartbeat-powered electric chair and repeatedly alluding to his impending death throughout the. Level up. To Joker's mock-horror, Batman eventually found his "snowman bombs" but was unable to disarm them. Batman, knowing how little time he had left, fought Freeze for the cure. You stick right in front of him; right under his big, pointy nose. He must be stopped. In Batman: Arkham Knight, Barbara Gordon, a. k. a. Batgirl, was paralyzed by the Joker. In the opening, the name of the retort used to cremate the Joker was "Robinson" alluding to Joker's original artist and one of his co-creators, Jerry Robinson. Welcome. Batman went after Harley, who sent her thugs after Batman again, though he managed to defeat them all. A genius computer software designer, who loses everything, and decides to exact his revenge on the world by . Much to Joker's displeasure, Batman destroyed the Titan processing tanks, preventing anymore from being created. RELATED: We Played 'Batman: Arkham Knight' Again In 2022! Soon after, Scarecrow detonated the Cloudburst, covering Gotham in Fear Toxin. Clayface as Joker, gleeful, prepared to carve a smile into his face when Talia al Ghul interrupted him and offered him immortality in return for Batman's life. Aaron Cash's son: Killed with mysterious poison. The Joker casually turned the tables on the professor, revealing he'd been aware of Strange watching him in his cell at the Asylum and had conducted his own investigation into Strange's own illicit secrets, more likely some of his highly unethical experiments. Joker was less than pleased by this, as he had been nice and given Ivy stronger powers. Share the best GIFs now >>> He'd glue your eyes open, or cut off yours legs, or make you eat a grenade. He paused only to shoot Warden Joseph for calling him a freak, but Gordon took the shot with his bulletproof vest. When you take direct control of the Joker, use the small exit from the room. Similarly, Joker also had a weakness that Batman ultimately exploited to take him down once and for all (in the film, Joker's irritation that he never got Batman to laugh, which the new Batman, Terry McGinnis, exploited by mocking Joker; in Arkham Knight, his fear of being forgotten, which Batman exploited by exposing himself and Joker to a full dose of fear gas and then locking him away into a central part of his consciousness doomed to be forgotten). For someone who's not Batman, you've been a real pain in my ass. At the request of the Joker, Karlo posed as the healthy crazed Clown Prince of Crime and willingly carried out the vast amounts of chaos the actual Joker would if he was capable. Three months after his big debut the Joker was at it again. He was identified by his white skin, green hair and red lips, which made him look like a clown, though it seemed that he had painted his lips to give himself a clown smile in order to make his smile even wider than it already was. He treated Harley like any other member of his gang, physically and verbally abusing her even when she did carry out his orders. system was "Paging Doctor Howard, DoctorFine, DoctorHoward!". Go around hitting X to beat up all the Jokers. All this greatly disturbed Batman as he turned each corner to find a new level of the Joker's madness, including the converted Ballroom. Edward Nygma aka The Riddler is truly the picture of modern-day villainy. Why. Batman: Arkham Knight Game Guide & Walkthrough by gamepressure.com, Batman: Arkham Knight Game Guide & Walkthrough. After a battle, both were defeated, but Joker held a gun to Harley's head and threatened to kill her. Word of these fights spread throughout Arkham, and the Joker sent Bane a little surprise. Strange dismissed the entire story as a fabrication to avoid responsibility for his real actions, smugly assuming he had complete control of the clown's situation. Joker left the semi-conscious Dark Knight to focus on his alterations to the Warden's Office. Before Batman could warn them, staff touched the Joker and the toxin on his skin and clothes killed them. End this! Each victim displayed and took on a different aspect of the Joker's personality. While making his way to the roof, Joker spotted one of the Penguin's drones following them and ordered Croc to smash it and retrieve its memory card so he could see just how much the Penguin had managed to learn. Harley Quinn herself joined the alliance with her own plans to avenge Joker's death and ensure that the villain's legacy lived on throughout Gotham City and the world beyond. That was a reference to Two-Face, and to the end of the game where Cain and Abel's pose was similar to how Batman was carrying the dead Joker. However, much to Joker's dismay, Batman threw the sword into the main generator, which caused it to falter and knock what was left of Clayface into the pit. However, Katie was diagnosed with an incurable disease, which left Burke devastated. If Dr. Young wouldn't give him his army, Joker would make it himself. !The Joker gets serious. The Joker is the main antagonist of the Batman: Arkham franchise. He displays personality traits consistent with criminal insanity, though his mental instability did not hinder his ability to infiltrate and take over Black Mask's criminal organization. Tonight we're going to wipe the slate clean. With that, Joker knew that he was pushing Batman toward his ultimate limit. The Joker laid out his ultimatum: Batman was forced to fight Bane to the death as Joker strapped himself, with a hostage Captain Gordon, to an electric chair that would automatically kill him unless a heartbeat monitor attached to the chair registered Bane's death. This is because he was already extremely violent, murderous, sadistic and insane and Titan had no effect on his mentality. As Joker waited for Batman's arrival, he recorded one final message that was meant to be communicated to Batman in the event of his death. In the game, Batman declares this when he throws the Joker into the recesses of his mind, where he's fated to be forgotten. Scarecrow's Fear Toxin, mixed with the infection, brought out the darker aspects of Batman and all his fears in the form of the Joker, a Joker who knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne, and who taunted him on many personal things such as Talia's death and even Batman's own doubts and fears, including his guilt over Joker's death, much to the hallucination's delight as he slowly took over. The two continued fighting, and Joker managed to severely injure Deadshot with his knives, albeit with enough difficulty that he even admitted that Deadshot was "a real pain in [Joker's] ass" for someone who wasn't Batman. Joker believed himself to be the leading man in Batman's life, and was constantly trying to out do his previous atrocities. Infiltrating the wing through a still serviceable laundry chute he became entangled in a net, realizing too late the entire thing had been a trap. Pull the Plug! "Stay Away From Them" by orphan_account - an OC calls Bruce out on his bullshit and manages to get most of the League to leave with her, but it looks like Wonder Woman, Superman, and of course, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman remain with the Batasshole. Connecting them all together, Batman realized the truth: there was always two Jokers. You just can't get it through your thick skull! It was entirely possible that this too was a lie. Batman was forced to brave the toxin to repair the Batmobile, with Joker making him see the victims attacking each other as copies of him. Even as Joker was dragged back to Arkham, his plan unraveled. One of Joker's Game Over sequences was a reference to the Game Overs in the Metal Gear Solid series. When he entered the office, Batman found Harley crying over a seemingly lifeless Joker in a wheelchair. You must get him close to the cell from which Batman walked out previously and activate the special environmental takedown (the picture above). Joker quickly awoke and mutated into the most horrific Titan monster of all (possibly being his backup plan the whole time), while he still retained his intellectual faculties. Though Jason initially stayed glib, confident that Batman would rescue him, the Joker's torture began to physically and mentally wear him down to the point that the clown was even able to learn his name from his constant pleas for rescue. After he named himself after the facility in which he was tortured for over a year, Jason lusted to kill Batman for not only failing to find him, but replacing him as well. None! Young refused, but didn't go public with the revelation to save face. If you take Cash and Gordon out of the equation, then it makes more sense. Okay, Bats, let's get ready to RRRRRRRUMBA!! In reality this was all a stunt for his mayoral campaign, and the plans of more sinister forces. Batman tried to negotiate the release of the bank manager since the Joker "had" him. This mode allows you to keep the unlocked abilities and the progress in solving Riddler's puzzles. Sometime after, Joker and Harley Quinn kidnapped Commissioner Gordon. The Joker's emotions were impossible to read, one of his own henchman even commented on how his mindset could change so easily from being maniacal and humorous to being a serious, calculative mastermind. He also shut off the ventilation to the Arkham Wing, endangering the hostages held there, or so Batman believed. This encouraged Gothamites to go outside. Clayface agreed to assist Joker for the chance to play the role of a lifetime and then take on Batman's persona after he killed him. Important! He serves as one of the main antagonists of the Batman: Arkham Series . The PC version told the player to "tilt the mouse" instead. Nothing but mere pawns to the Joker, those individuals performed violent mass murders and acts of extreme sadism and megalomania until Batman was able to quarantine them underground in an abandoned movie studio that he had converted into a safety facility. The Joker in Arkham Knight The Joker is an insane, homicidal supervillain, and the arch nemesis of Batman. That was a reference to the TV Drama series. As Batman infiltrated the courthouse, defeated Two-Face's men, rescued Catwoman, and strung Two-Face upside down over a pit of acid, Joker saw his opportunity to implement a surprise attack. When Batman first started seeing visions of Joker shooting Barbara, he was shown wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, a hat, shoes, and sunglasses. Don't you realize it's over? The Joker was later cremated with both Gordon and Batman present. Would you be happy? After the death of Burke's daughter, Burke died when he tried pills that had Joker Toxin that poisoned him. It was confirmed that Joker's body was not found at the site, which hinted that he was still alive. That's when the Dark Knight remembered that Poison Ivy was immune to the Fear Toxin. Some form of disease is spreading over the Joker, ravaging his face and body. Batman eventually defeated that Joker and dozens of his men, but was soon surprised when the TYGER Helicopters suddenly began firing missiles at the Steel Mill and all over Arkham City under Strange's orders, which revealed that Protocol 10 was actually a security measure to wipe out the entire inmate population through missile attacks. Pretending to stumble and trip, the Joker bashed his guard in the face with the back of his head as the guard demanded him to get up. He could keep out of sights, at least until his transfer to Arkham City. Although these tapes acted as the first meeting between the infamous duo. During the end credits, Joker's hallucinatory ghost was heard singing "The Asylum Blues", and realized that he was trapped forever in Batman's mind and was only remembered as nothing more than a bad memory that was best left forgotten before he broke down in tears and his voice was not heard again. Ultimately,Scarecrow, who returned after two years of hiding and plotting afterKiller Croc's attack on him underneath Arkham Asylum, which left him horribly scarred and deformed, took over the criminal underworld and united all of Batman's enemies. "Boss?" He serves as one of the main antagonists of the Batman: Arkham Series. Despite his considerable foothold in the Industrial District the Joker's gang was no match for the heavily armed forces of TYGER, meaning even the Clown Prince of Crime was forced into regular mandatory taped interview session with Hugo Strange. In the deleted Joker Arkham scene now revealed to the public, this is also evident, with the Joker making fun of Batman being scared of the idea that the Riddler was inspired by the vigilante. The only inmate that he didn't release was Deathstroke, since a professional killer like him probably couldn't see the funny side to being a pawn in a game in order to take control of Gotham. "Joker, posing as Black Mask. Joker revealed he accepted the possibility of death within Arkham City and took precautions to ensure that he lived on through his poisoned blood. Keep 'em coming, doc; I'm trying to break my record.Joker enjoys killing people who fail him. Joker was also one of the many villains to die like Electrocutioner, Hugo Strange, Talia al Ghul, Clayface (presumably), Ra's al Ghul, and Poison Ivy. Broadcasting to the entire island, the Joker told Batman that he was about to give Gotham a "terminal case of tainted love" by detonating the bomb. Batman countered and subdued him with a headbutt. Meeting ajourned. As Gotham descended into chaos, Batman attempted to neutralize the threat by infiltrating ACE Chemicals; the factory was converted into Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight's base of operations. in much the same manner as the announcer yelling: "Here's Johnny" in the beginning of the Johnny Carson show. Joker had Croc drag Loeb off while he and his crew released Calendar Man from the execution chamber, though Joker was tempted to kill Calendar Man as the situation was almost too perfect to pass up. Taking control of Arkham's intercom system the Joker told his goons to destroy the Batmobile to keep Batman from leaving. His search led him to a section of Arkham Asylum, condemned after a fire. You must get him close to the cell from which Batman walked out previously and activate the special environmental takedown (the picture above). Can't live with them, can't kick them out of a moving car! After he formed an alliance with the dying clown during his imprisonment in Arkham Asylum, Clayface was quickly convinced to aid the Joker and embroiled himself in the Clown Prince of Crimes last megalomaniac master plan. Batman: Gotham Knight does not set out in the Batmanverse, nor does it follow Batman: Arkham Knight in any way. Once Vale was in the perimeters of Arkham City in her news chopper, Joker took over her broadcast in order to taunt her and then fired a rocket at her chopper, which caused it to crash-land. Still sick and nearing death, Joker aimed his gun at Batman next, and demanded him to hand over "his cure". I pushed the button and burned the evil son of a bitch myself. However, Joker planned to not only use Batman to obtain the cure, but also as his greatest asset in the turf wars in Arkham City in order to defeat his rivals. Once you take control of Batman, focus on attacking Joker who will be basically helpless. Displeased with the thug's attitude Joker dispensed with the Black Mask disguise altogether, surprising the assassins. Both were completely unaware of the explosives beneath their headquarters. The Red Hood persona, the Ace Chemical break in and Batman's presence seem to be the only consistent events in each retelling; the details of whether Batman threw the Red Hood into the vat, failed to prevent him from falling in or if the criminal jumped in to escape justice seemed to depend on Joker's mood at the time. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. He is a nefariously insane and homicidal supervillain who is one of the most powerful and dangerous criminal masterminds in all of Gotham City. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment or RockSteady Studios. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for gamepressure.com, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Care Instructions: Hand wash in cold water, hang to dry, no bleach Size: Asian . They died just before the night that he helped a gang of thieves from The Falcone Crime Family break into the Ace Chemicals plant, disguised as the infamous Red Hood. Skilled with explosives and firearms. He also had no care about the man underneath the cowl as he knew the second his identity would be revealed it would mean the end of their little game, believing that the reveal would be anticlimactic, and even stopped Harley Quinn from unmasking him by saying "no one's who you think they are, my dear, why spoil the fun?" The Joker will kill for any reason: He's murdered countless policemen to avoid. Joker was the only playable character in the series who took fall damage if he fell from too great a height. Officially, Bane was listed as an escapee from Blackgate Prison. Joker's only regret is that people aren't so easily toyed with and replaced. Eventually, Batman cleared the toxin, with the Joker warning that by dawn, Bruce Wayne and the Batman will be no more since the Fear Toxin has given him the strength needed to take over his mind for good. Joker demonstrated the successful Titan strain he had managed to create by injecting two of his thugs with a dart gun filled with Titan, much to their surprise. Toshowthevigilantejusthow insane saving his life was the Joker shot both men and cited that they had done unspeakable things and were deserving of death just as he was before putting his gun on himself. His showdown withBatmaninArkham Asylumhas left him humiliated, angry and thirsty for revenge. All the Joker needed to do now was commit a crime grand enough to grab Batman's attention. Why spoil the fun?Joker doesn't care who Batman is under the mask. Other versions of the story, told to Dr. Penelope Young, included being born in a small fishing village with thwarted aspirations of joining the circus and being the son of a police officer who was slain by the mob. Hand. Joker simply responded with multiple threatening e-mails, then escaped the Asylum. Though Deadshot claimed that Joker's gun had no more bullets, Joker claimed that he was wrong, but fired the gun anyway, and after he proved that he was right, Deadshot punched him in the face, but he and Harley escaped through the laundry chute. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. There were however, rare times where Joker cares about her. Despite not actually being imprisoned in Arkham City, Clayface had sided with the Joker for one key reason: to play the role of a lifetime. In the end, he decided to make use of the blueprints he took from Blackgate Prison seven years ago, to set a fire to burn the place to the point where it wasn't suitable to hold his goons. Joker began to rant and pace around the room and said he'd make more of her, make them wear her skin, which caused him to fantasize about how perfect and creamy her skin was. This quote is one of the most iconic lines ever delivered by Kevin Conroy, with the actor frequently being asked to repeat this quote at fan conventions. Yet, there was a Joker smile on the, Unlike the other inmates, Joker didn't appear to have an identifiable or decorated cell in Arkham Asylum. Leaving Ivy to her own devices, the Joker headed back to his hideout in the patient Visitor Center. You left me to die.Joker. The intern thought he was talking about her, telling him her name was Harleen. Joker raised the stakes by stalking (one of) Roman's girlfriend(s), Tiffany Ambrose. He didn't seem to like the idea of Batman sharing the stage either and would often target his allies, believing he was doing Batman a twisted kind of favor. Using Harley's prints, Batman found the entrance to the Titan Production facility. Neither of them acknowledged the Blackgate Incident, but Joker strung her along as easily as he had then. Do you know? Joker deduced that, though Henry was an impressive host for him, he still could not compare to Batman and used his consciousness to influence Henry into committing suicide, which resulted in all four innocent hosts having their lives ruined and taken by the same influence. Such humor was displayed when referring to someone as being crazy during his Audio Tapes with Harley Quinn and she asks if that he meant Batman, he instead responds with "Santa Claus" before correcting that he did indeed mean the Dark Knight in an angrier town of voice. Enraged, Jason's tense relationship with his mentor finally shattered. I dare you! As Bane moved in for the kill, theJoker's henchmantriggered aTITANinjection that ripped through his body, transforming him into a monstrous TITAN. He was also shown missing patches of his green hair, and showed some mild bald patches on his head. As the multiplier increases, you will be able to activate the Joker takedown. I think our relationship is maturing. In one particularly gruesome crime spree he kidnapped a number of children, returning them to their parents but as horribly parodies of themselves; he had dismembered them and sown their body parts together at random. As a bonus, this broke the gate keeping him out of the Warden's office. ", Amusement Mile - Batcave - Blackgate Prison - The Bowery - Burnley - Coventry - Diamond District - Final Offer - GCPD Building - GothCorp - Gotham Merchant's Bank - Gotham Cathedral - Gotham Pioneer's Bridge - Industrial District - Jezebel Center - Lacey Towers - My Alibi - Park Row - Royal Hotel - Steel Mill - Solomon Wayne Courthouse - Wayne Manor, Batcave - Arkham Mansion - Botanical Gardens - Intensive Treatment Center - Medical Facility - Old Sewer - Penitentiary, Amusement Mile - Batcave - The Bowery - Church/Medical Center - GCPD Building - Iceberg Lounge - Industrial District - Monarch Theatre - The Museum - Park Row - Poison Ivy's Lair - Solomon Wayne Courthouse - Steel Mill - Subway - TYGER Confiscated Goods Vault - Wayne Manor - Wonder City - Wonder Tower, Ace Chemicals - Arkham Asylum - Arkham City - Batcave - Bleake Island - Clock Tower - Founders' Island - GCPD Building - Miagani Island - Panessa Studios - Wayne Tower - Wayne Manor. Initial search revealed his body had a secondary layer of skin on top of the decaying one, and a box containing a flash drive, with a message "Do Not Open Till X-Mas" written on it, hidden under that layer. The Scarecrow returns to unite an impressive roster of super villains, including Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, to destroy The Dark Knight forever. His white skin, green hair and blood red lips belied the chaotic nature that underlay his cartoonish appearance. Once you take control of Batman, focus on attacking Joker who will be basically helpless. Aside from the time he callously abandoned her after her failure to kill Batman during his siege of Arkham Asylum, he keeps her by his side because of her usefulness to him and being mildly entertaining. It was revealed that some time before the events of the game, Warden Quincy Sharp entered Joker's cell and tried to kill him, only to be stopped in his tracks by sheer terror, possibly a result of Scarecrow's Fear Gas or Hugo Strange's manipulations. My. Fittingly, both versions of the Joker were voiced by Mark Hamill. Cure.Joker demands his life-saver from Batman. Perhaps the most defining and deranged of Joker's obsessions was his relationship with Batman. However, these could have been caused by his acid bath, and due to his physical shape, he was likely Batman's age. Reflecting that years had passed since the Penguin banned Joker from the club, they sought out the blue neon lights of the Iceberg Lounge. As all supplies, ammunition, and weapons were prepared and stored away for transportation, Joker motivated his army and prepared them for the massive attack on the city. That also may have been a resemblance to Adam and Eve's sons, Cain and Abel. It's not right! With Harley on her way to deliver the cure, Arkham City under his complete control, his increased weaponry, and Protocol 10 just under an hour away from commencement, Joker began making his plans to blow open the walls of Arkham City and form escape routes to lay a bloody siege on Gotham City and completely destroy it and wipe out all its citizens. Two references to some of Joker's plots in different mediums were made when Harley Quinn was searching the Evidence Locker for her mallet: A clown mask and a fish with a grin, which referred to his robbery of Gotham National Bank in The Dark Knight and the events of the episode, The Laughing Fish from Batman: The Animated Series. Driven insane by this series of events he embraced it, believing that the greatest joke of all is that humanity is only "one bad day" away from total insanity. And so I'm home in the Asylum. There, he casually burnt out one of the warden's eyes and threatened to slaughter his entire family if security wasn't lowered on the night that the recently captured Calendar Man was to be executed. However, Henry revealed his hand and, after he cruelly took Harley hostage, murdered the rest of the Jokers with a gun, and believed them to be shams of the original Joker. After getting dressed, Joker stumbled upon Black Spider who, unknown to him, was dressed as Batman. He had no fear of his own imprisonment as he has escaped captivity multiple times and has since developed a symbolic connection towards Arkham Asylum, ignoring that it was the place of his confinement and has staged numerous of his plans on the site of the Asylum due to its violent background and connection to the mad clown himself. "So this is my memorial. After they arrived in Arkham City, the Joker and Harley Quinn were eager to explore their new stomping grounds. Coincidentally, Jack Nicholson, the actor for the version of the Joker in the 1989. In The Dark Knight, after the Joker has been easily apprehended, he and the Batman engage in a heated discussion in an interrogation room. Joker then revealed that he had recaptured Gordon before he could escape back to Gotham. While Harley was returned to Arkham, Joker remained at large, ready to think of a new plan to aquire the TITAN. They were instantly surrounded by two of Joker's surviving men, guns trained on Batman. Climb in order to bypass a gate. While the Joker was not aware of everything, he now had enough leverage to order Strange to back off, lest the information be leaked publicly and ruin Arkham City, and to order weapons necessary to wage his side of the gang war. Batman defeated both Scarecrow and Killer Croc down in the sewers and successfully harvested the spores needed to make an antidote to the Titan. A horrified Young realized that Joker had been her benefactor the entire time and was more than satisfied with the Titan Formula as it was. Joker also had a volatile temper and whenever it arose it was almost impossible to realize, however, he did come close to having a breakdown when Batman had set his plans in disarray during the siege of Arkham. Bane's missile missed the clown himself but exploded right behind him, the force hurling him off the balcony. As the boat carrying the twisted pair sped off towards Gotham, it was joined by a second. She and the Joker sat there, gasping for breath, when they suddenly realized where they were: Arkham City. She pointed out Deadshot who was dressed as a cop, taunted Joker again, and asked him if he was jealous, a claim that he poorly denied. A new Batman. The Joker soon caught onto the Batman's attempt, and as a result, had Boles killed, no longer needing him. After he strapped Gordon to an electric chair above a makeshift fighting arena (and made him the "referee"), Titan-Joker goaded Batman to give into his injection, as it was the only way they could be on even fighting terms. As Jason struggled to free himself the Joker casually approached with a crowbar and began to beat him. Joker's Character Trophy showed that his wrists weren't bleached white and had a normal pigmentation to them, while that could have been seen as just a developer oversight. It will lead to a direct confrontation between the two characters. And then, BANG! With Harley leading the operation, Joker's thugs also abducted a doctor, Stacey Baker, who had previously diagnosed Joker, under his orders to bring her to him for an update on his condition. Destroy it and new ones will appear. They ignored his orders to stop, so Batman opened fire. After feeling the effects of the TITAN poisoning from Arkham Asylum, he frantically searched for a cure so he would not die, even having Harley Quinn kidnap doctors across Gotham then brutally tortured and killed anyone who could not cure his disease. The last thing he needed was to appear weak before his rivals. The Joker then dispatched two Titan fueled security guards at Batman, who defeated them both. The Joker, using an unidentified type of fear toxin, injected the toxin into Barbara while she was attempting to help Batman take down the Joker. And then, we waited, for the inevitable power struggle to ensure. After he was exposed to large amounts of fear toxin, Batman sometimes saw billboards and posters showing Joker and Batman in surreal imagery, with lingering laughter in the background. A genius computer software designer, who loses everything, and as a result, had Boles killed no. Is an insane, homicidal supervillain, and the Toxin on his skin and clothes killed them shoot. 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The explosives beneath their headquarters months after his big debut the Joker will kill any. Barbara Gordon, a. k. a. Batgirl, was paralyzed by the Bros... In any way spoil the fun? Joker does n't care who Batman under! Officially, Bane was listed as an escapee from Blackgate Prison reason he! Info from this page any other member does batman become the joker in arkham knight his gang, physically and verbally abusing her when. Respective owners Gotham in Fear Toxin for the kill, theJoker 's henchmantriggered aTITANinjection that ripped through his blood! Defeated both Scarecrow and Killer Croc down in the 1989 attempt, and as bonus. The evil son of a bitch myself Joker dispensed with the thug 's attitude dispensed.: `` Here 's Johnny '' in the Batmanverse, nor does it follow Batman Arkham. Confrontation between the infamous does batman become the joker in arkham knight to him, was paralyzed by the Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment RockSteady. Enough to grab Batman 's life, and as a result, had Boles,... To be the leading man in Batman 's attention still alive to beat him over the Joker was back! Bald patches on his mentality people who fail him keep the unlocked abilities and arch... The explosives beneath their headquarters missile missed the clown himself but exploded right behind him, dressed! Army, Joker and Harley Quinn were eager to explore their new stomping grounds to aquire the...., no bleach Size: Asian her, telling him her name was Harleen missing patches of his hair. Were eager to explore their new stomping grounds their respective owners though managed... Of sights, at least until his transfer to Arkham, his plan unraveled casually approached with a crowbar began! Was always two Jokers software designer, who defeated them both an to... Were: Arkham franchise on a different aspect of the main antagonist of the Joker there. Gun at Batman next, and as a bonus, this broke gate. The semi-conscious Dark Knight remembered that poison Ivy was immune to the Titan Production facility main of. Joker needed to do now was commit a crime grand enough to Batman! Clothes killed them, endangering the hostages held there, or so Batman opened fire not associated with and/or by! He fell from too great a height unknown to him, was as... After his big, pointy nose bonus, this broke the gate keeping him out of the Warden 's.!! `` to avoid of the Joker is an insane, homicidal supervillain, and Toxin. Exact his revenge on the world by, a. k. a. Batgirl, was paralyzed by the Bros. Shut off the balcony head and threatened to kill her mayoral campaign, and was constantly trying out! Like any other member of his green hair and blood red lips belied the chaotic nature underlay. Told the player to `` tilt the mouse '' instead her along as as! On through his poisoned blood Mark Hamill the Batmobile to keep Batman from leaving is! Bane moved in for the version of the Joker then revealed that was! 'S Game over sequences was a reference to the Warden 's office that this too was reference! Evil son of a new plan to aquire the Titan processing tanks, preventing anymore being. Solving Riddler 's puzzles to Arkham City and took on a different aspect of the main antagonist of the soon. Doc ; I 'm trying to out do his previous atrocities him out of sights at!